Mount Maunganui Main Beach saw 112 teams compete over three action-packed days at the 2025 IPC Beach Champs. Players navigated challenging weather conditions to deliver high-quality performances, making for an exciting display of beach volleyball.
IPC U17 & U19 Medalists
U17 Wāhine
🥇Caunce / Hickling-Crane ( Harbour )
🥈Webster / Campbell ( Harbour )
🥉Wood / Harwood ( Tasman )
U17 Tāne
🥇Satiu / Takai ( BOP )
🥈Roa / Warringsholz ( Harbour )
🥉Gaylard / Tixier ( Harbour )
U19 Wāhine
🥇Doherty / Prasad ( BOP )
🥈Ditchburn / Lendrum ( Harbour )
🥉Vanilau / Chretien ( Canterbury )
U19 Tāne
🥇Smith / Fitch ( Waikato )
🥈Baatjes-Walker / Schaller ( Harbour )
🥉Kincaid / Te Puni-Smith ( Wellington )