Have your Say Survey Key Themes
Volleyball New Zealand recently conducted our community feedback survey Have your Say. The feedback from this survey is an integral part of how we collectively can evolve our Regional and...
He Ara Whakakotahi Advisory Group
Volleyball NZ is excited to announce the appointment of the He Ara Whakakotahi Evolving Volleyball in New Zealand Advisory Group Members. The Objective of the He Ara Wahakakotahi Advisory Group...
He Ara Whakakotahi - Evolving Volleyball in NZ
Volleyball New Zealand is excited to share with you the launch of our delivery framework review project He Ara Whakakotahi - Evolving Volleyball in New Zealand. In October 2023 Volleyball NZ brought...
Delivery Framework Review Report - March 2023 (PDF)
Project Overview (PDF - May 2024)
Advisory Group Terms of Reference (PDF - April 24)
Project Overview (PDF - May 2024)
Advisory Group Terms of Reference (PDF - April 24)